Hukseflux: pyranometer accessory

One of the biggest projects I worked on at Hukseflux Thermal Sensors was an accessory for Huskeflux pyranometers. A pyranometer is an instrument which can accurately measure the radiation of sun in our atmosphere by converting the wavelengths into heat and measuring it over time (so called heat flux). These instruments are typically used by meteorologic services, greenhouse framers, architectural engineers, etc.

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Lely Industries: continuous development

Since 2015 the focus of of my work at Lely Industries shifted to the so called continuous improvement of the current barn and feeding machines. Together with one colleague, I was responsible for all mechanical changes to the current Discovery barn cleaner (90S and 90SW versions), Juno feed pusher (100 and 150 versions), Cosmix feeding station (S and P versions), Calm calf drinking station, Commodus cow box divider

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